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Fill out the form below to allow your child's participation in gym activities
Recreational Classes


Recreational classes are for children of all ages beginning with children 2 years old. At Dayren's Mini-Gym, we offer the smallest student-coach ratio 6:1 regardless of age. We pride ourselves in having quality time with each student to help them progress and learn new skills in an efficient and continous manner. Give us a try, your first class is always FREE!



Classes 1x per week: $55

Classes 2x per week: $70

Classes 3x per week: $80


Prices above are paid on a monthly basis on the 1st of every month.

Private Lessons


Dayren's Mini-Gym is proud to offer One-on-One lessons for students seeking a more personalized, indvidual type of learning experience. Private lessons are more rigorous in nature due to the fact that the student has an entire hour dedicated to an intense workout. Perfection of skills and techniques is the focal point of private lessons. Call today to schedule yours!



1 Private Lesson: $30

4 Private Lessons: $105


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